Sunday, 15 July 2012

How Fat Are You Compared To The Whole World

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb

It is only the very wisest and the very stupidest who cannot change.

Click on the title to find out how your BMI compares to the whole planet!

Friday, 8 June 2012

How To Make Money With Your Camera

Here is a fun idea that may help to make money quite easily by using your camera.

Create breathtaking pictures with trick photography in unique and creative ways.

Plenty of instructions are available with this so if you are into this kind of thing it might be worth checking out.

Just hit on the title for all the information.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

What Does Personal Development Mean To You?

Some interesting comments from the Warrior Forum (click on above title)

My own take is that personal development firstly means to be open to improving things within yourself and your personal circle of life. Then secondly, to actively take control of the aspects of well-being that you wish to improve. Thirdly, it is so important to progress along correct lines, in harmony with God, nature and other human-beings. If any one of these three features are absent from the particular developments you seek, failure is likely to loom.

That's my lecture over with :)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Do You Suffer From Tinnitus?

It's very annoying when a ringing sensation begins to effect your everyday life, my own affliction although only slight probably is the result of standing too near huge music speakers in clubs during my youth.

This website contains some very interesting material, which looks into the possibility of eliminating tinnitus altogether.

Certainly worth a read if you are a sufferer or know someone who is.

As far as I can see, this does not involve any medication.

Never take medication anyway without checking with your doctor first

Just click on the heading and please send me your feedback or comments, especially if it works!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Flying Cars Becoming More Of A Reality

Another flying car looks set to become part of our way of life very soon. It is incredible to think that our skys will be filled with these vehicles darting about and making journeys 'as the crow flies'.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Give Before You Receive

To improve your lot you need to learn and abide this universal law, give before thinking about receiving. I've seen this over and over again and it is so true. It is quite an amazing fact of life. It is even best to give an not expect anything in return, to not want anything in return and to just give unconditionally. The Powers that be somehow detect your heart and, if giving is done in the right spirit, much more comes back to you (although it may not be monetary)

"People that give before they receive have the greatest success in life" - Razvan Dobre.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Four Minutes To Live?!

Ants can live for 3 years. A bee maybe only 1 year and a dragonfly only lasts 4 months. Some species of mayfly only live for 30 minutes.

According to statistics, the average life span for a human is about 80 years, which seems a really long time when compared to insects but some animals live longer than we do, tortoises for example are often said to live for around 200 years.

It got me thinking about how we spend our time and how long a period of our lifespan could be allocated to actual free-living. I found several interesting articles and, for a bit of fun and in a very unscientific way, I have calculated our time using a one hour clock. 

If you condensed your life into one hour, you would spend 20 minutes (33%) of it sleeping and another 20 minutes working (and/or in education). So two-thirds of your life is taken up straight away. It is not an exact science, these things never are, those out of work for example would have perhaps more spare time if they are not actively working by seeking employment.

In general then, we would only have one third of our capacity left for free-living, at least so it would seem.

Apparently we spend 8% of our lives in the great pastime of eating (5 minutes on the clock) By the way we use up 13 months of our lifetime visiting the toilet as a consequence!

Another 4 minutes would be taken up by ‘waiting’. Yes, 7% of your life is used up waiting in queues and at traffic lights and such.

And how about this, you spend 3% of your time (2 minutes) just getting dressed (okay, it’s probably longer for women). We also do housework for an accumulative time-period of 4 years, (3 minutes on our clock) and an entire year is wasted in our efforts to locate lost possessions!

That lot adds up to 93% of our lives, maybe just a little more as a lot of us work quite long hours these days.

So by and large we have about five or six years of truly free-time.

Converted to our one hour clock, that works out at 4 minutes.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Memory Power To Improve Your Skill

Memory tends to fade as you get older. It is important to try and keep it sharp and healthy

Even when you are younger though, things can 'slip you mind'.

Click on the headline here if you are looking to pay to exercise your mind or, to the right hand side look out for the 'Flashing Numbers' sub-heading and click on that for some free tests.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Learn Japanese Online!

If you want to get in on the current trent of learning an exotic language, here is an opportunity to learn Japanese!

And you can learn quickly, effectively and properly.

Take a look by clicking on 'Learn Japanese Online'

Come over from another website?

If you have come over from a different blog, then welcome.

This blog is just for a bit of entertainment and to maybe give out some information that I come across, which may be about health or weight loss, earning some money or the future.

Please don't hesitate to leave a comment or become a member to keep in touch better.

Many thanks for joining me here

Follow on Twitter or Facebook by clinking on the links


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

David Grisaffi

I don't know if you have heard of this guy but if you want your body to look great, toned or just a bit trimmer, get on board with him.

David Grisaffi is straight with his advice and really does reply to your e-mails, I can vouch for that.

He keeps in regular contact and has many very good and helpful training systems.

These workouts are designed to help anyone from ladies who have some tummy issues after childbirth through to guys who want a six-pack or just a better shaped stomach. And sit-ups are not the answer.

This guy will help you, almost like a personal trainer but without the high costs.

Good one!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Future Transport!

This is how you will be travelling to work soon or taking the family out for a picnic!

Improved Vision

There are many avenues to improve health but not often am I taken aback by the kind of revelations shown in this article about eyesight.

No need perhaps, for glasses, contacts or laser proceedures.

If you do have contact lenses or wear glasses, you must take a look (excuse the pun) at this website.


If you are interested in language improvement, click on the heading here

This seems a really good link.